Monday, December 28, 2009


During these crazy last few weeks (months really) I find myself craving some relief/release. I indulged that craving yesterday with this bit of whimsy. A rainbow cake! inspired by this post I tried it out myself. I followed a recipe for white cake, even omitting the egg for egg-replacer so I didn't add the yellow of the yolk. I separated the batter into equal pieces and mixed in the food coloring

I just started pouring the batter on top of each other in rainbow order

It was so fun to see how it had baked once I pulled it out

I iced it with a very simple white frosting - butter, confectioners sugar and a little milk.

It's so much fun to cut the cake and find the rainbow inside

It wasn't particularly interested tasting, but really, everything tastes better when it's pretty like this!

and I don't think I've ever had such pretty dishes to wash

1 comment:

  1. this reminds me of a party i attended long ago where we were all dancing in the dark and eating shortbread cookies which our hostess had baked. Someone turned on the lights and the cookies were an intense purple color. I had one in my mouth at the time and all of a sudden I thought i was eating a big laundry soap bar. OH, Yeah, maybe i was HIGH!!!!
